How much to tip Movers in Boston?

Questions on whether you have to tip mover or not and how much is popular among our customers here at Move and Care. If an answer to the first question is simple, then the second question requires more understanding from the customer's point of view of what exactly and how much you have to tip movers.

Why should you consider tipping movers?

Moving to a job is very difficult and requires some knowledge and experience. Movers that help you move become a “part of your family” during the process because they have to take care of your precious items that some people collect for ages. Of course, when you hire a reputable moving company with years of experience like Move and Care you don’t have to worry about your move, but connecting with movers that do the job is always a plus. So providing additional motivation and gratitude to the people that work hard to make your move smooth is always a good idea. Tipping movers is recommended, but never a must.

Should I tip the whole moving crew?

If you decide to tip movers and wonder if you have to thank the whole crew or only foreman/driver it doesn't matter, simply because movers are usually split tips equally between all men.

How much to tip?


The minimum suggestion tip is around $20 for a 2 man small job in Boston. It will help movers get some water or energy drinks and a couple of slices of pizza which is going to help them go through the day. If the job is bigger and you have a moving crew of 3 or more movers you will have to consider the time it takes for them to do the job and make decisions based on these factors.

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